Being one of the earliest and the most favourite ways of stimulating your sexual organs, Bullet & Egg vibrators have carved a huge line of its loyal customers in India. These sex toys are highly versatile due to the great functionality and portability they offer. Apt as both, clitoral and a vaginal vibrators; these vibrators are compact and can be used against the clitoris or can be inserted vaginally for g-spot stimulation.
Indeed, these great pleasure enhancers work best for those who have just begun with their sex toy collection. Easy to operate and handle, these vibrators are either equipped with a simple on/off button at the base or come with a wired remote control that displays a varying range of speeds and vibration patterns for your comfort. They prove to be quite handy when you are travelling.
Designed to suit your deepest sexual desires, these adult toys are quite simple and effective. You will be amazed to see how the various Bullet & Egg vibrators function. Definitely, you can always make up for your time when you are all alone or else you can spice up your sex life with your partner while employing such vibrators during the play. The role of these vibrators is not just limited to the clitoris and g-spot. These vibrators can offer you enhanced pleasure when tried out to stimulate the erogenous zones like anal, labia, breast or any other part that you want to play with.
Designed in different sizes, these great little sex toys share the same shape. As the name itself suggests, they look like bullets and eggs. Sculpted to fit into a variety of harnesses, sheaths or silicone dildos; these vibrators work wonderfully. Moreover, you can always add some fun into your pair of panties. Powered by two AA batteries, these impressive vibrators are durable enough to last for many years. So, you are sure to make a good investment for your sex toy closet.
You always have your own way of enjoying your private moments, but here are few proven and tested ways on how to employ your Bullet & Egg vibrator to reach to that much desired ‘oomph’:
All by yourself
Find the most comfortable and cosy corner where you can chill out and feel sexy.
Employ the vibrator on your clitoris:
For those who like to take things head-on, direct clitoral stimulation is the best act to indulge in. Just place your vibrator lengthwise between your labia and over the clitoris.
If you are among those who like it slow yet effective, you could go for less direct stimulation. Hold the vibrator in the palm of your hand and then slowly slide the vibrator over your labia. You can hold it firmly in just one place or you can move it in regular circles, whichever way pleases you the most.
Playing with your g-spot:
Just before you are on the go, massage a little bit of lube over that particular body part with your Bullet & Egg vibrator. Since the vagina is an extremely sensitive area, you can begin by rubbing the vibrator gently around the outside of your vaginal opening. Start at your own pace so as to achieve maximum pleasure. As you get sexed up, slowly move the vibrating bullet inside your vagina, just 1-2 inches toward the front of the body. You won’t believe; your g-spot will thank you for many times after.
Play inside your panties:
If you really want to have constant and continues fun, you can place the Bullet & Egg vibrator inside your panties while you are performing your daily chores. The smaller vibrators can be easily held in place inside your panties. Let others get mad as they fail to guess the reason of that permanent smile on your face. What the excitement this can bring in a regular day.
Sex it up with your partner
This great sex toy can leave your partner crave for more, always.
Just carefully place the Bullet & Egg vibrator between you and your partner as both of you want to have more fun during your intercourse. Lock the vibrator between your pelvis for better grip. Men too will love the stimulation that the vibrations bring about. They also have their erogenous zones that can be extra stimulated. Right underneath the testicles for example is such a zone.
Hold the vibrator in the palm of your hand and slowly massage over the erogenous parts. Both of you can do it alternately with utmost ease.
So, this is how you can comfortably employ these vibrators in the comfort of your home or anywhere else. Definitely, these versatile pleasure enhancers deserve to be the most desired part of your sex toy collection. The diversity, simplicity and portability of these vibrators make them all the more versatile.
Contoured to perfectly fit a woman, these vibrators can be considered as some serious sex enhancers.
And their egg shape makes them perform sensuously well!
You can always use these vibrators for internal stimulation, but they work best as clitoral stimulators. Great for masturbation or as a participant, these Bullet & Egg vibrators have made a quick entry in various Indian families due to their versatility.
Just choose your favourite colour, material and texture; and you can rekindle the fire like never before in your bedroom. Since these vibrators are small and compact in shape and size, they do their work fairly quietly as compared to their larger vibrator counterparts. Therefore, this factor again makes them even more appealing to use as a travelling sex toy. They just produce that much desire humming noise which could leave you desiring for more.
To have that continued pleasure even when you are out of your home, just place this vibrator under your panties clothes when you go to work or for any kind of leisurely evening.
Jive up your clitoris while indulging in that erotic foreplay massage. Make your massage more pleasurable as you slide this vibrator over the vagina, penis, testicles, anus, thighs, or anywhere that heightens your fancy and your deepest desires.
Just cup this Bullet & Egg vibrator and seriously spice up your sex life.