Track your order

You can track your shipment by entering your tracking number on the website of one of the courier companies below.

Tracking Numbers for Shipments

Our company provides tracking numbers or codes to all customers.  Codes are given right after shipping.  However, it may take some time before the tracking system is fully updated and your shipment can be tracked.   Click here for more information about shipping and delivery

Reshipping charges

In the event that your package is offered to the designated address and it is not accepted by anyone, the package will be automatically be returned to our warehouse. When we have to reship the parcel to your address again, shipping charges shall be applicable. These charges vary from INR 200-300 depending on the weight of the package. In order to prevent these additonal charges we strongly urge you to make sure you supply us with the right address and make yourself available for accepting the package when delivery is due. You shall be called prior to delivery to give you an early notification of the pending delivery.