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Posts tagged 'dildos'


By Team API 2 1 years ago 1871 Views No comments


Bangalore despite being a busy working city is very much popular for its sex life. Some people say it should actually be called BANG-alore due to the popular sexual life. This is one of the best qualities of Bangalore that the people are able to take out time and maintain their sexual life. When we talk about sex, sex toys are an important part of our sexual act and people of Bangalore love to include intimate toys in their sex life whether solo or as couples.


By Team API 2 1 years ago 2527 Views No comments


Pune is a hub of IT industry and is known for its great universities, this makes it a city with the highest young population. Due to young students and working class majority Pune has amazing nightlife. However, being young also brings us to focus on their mental, physical and sexual health. At a young age we are going through several hormonal changes and we are still trying to discover our sexual personality. But with busy work and social life it might get difficult for us to discover our sexual interests. Therefore, we are going to discuss some blissful sex products that would help you have a sensual sex life.

For our IT people we have some technological intimate toys


By Team API 2 1 years ago 2199 Views No comments


Gujarat is popular for its cultural festivals and mainly for its Dandiya raas which is the most sensual energy in the open. Their sensuality reflects in their culture after all “Gujarat sexy chhe”. Gujarat is also known for their business minded people where the community is always busy in making money. In this busy lifestyle these people forget about their intimate life. Their sex life has been majorly impacted in the fast pace of life. Sex can also have an impact on your mood and stress levels therefore, if your timings are not matching with the routine of your partner then you should masturbate to keep your mood light and reduce stress levels.

Sex toys are very helpful for people living in Gujarat, we would recommend some amazing sex toys to help our Gujaratis.

Navigating Long Distance Relationships With The Help of Toys

By Team API 2 1 years ago 1928 Views No comments


Most of the couples in the world might face distance between their relationship once in a lifetime. There were times when people used to write letters to express their feelings , the feelings were not only the fact that they are missing their partner but they also used it to express their sexual desires for one another. However, technology advancement helped us in staying closer to loved ones by collecting us through phone, facetious, messages. Moreover, couples used these technologies to have sms sex, phone sex, FaceTime sex etc. Furthermore, there was the invention of technology based sex toys. They have become so advanced that couples could operate sex toys from their phones while sitting miles away. It might lack the physical intimacy but it still has your partner's touch and way. While these toys are designed for long distance couples it is not restrictive to their use, even couples living in the same place can use these toys to make things more fun controlled by their partner. These types of intimate toys are now available at sex toys online India on our website.


Aging Gracefully: Adapting and Enjoying Sex Toys in Later Years

By Team API 2 1 years ago 1097 Views No comments


In our life we go through different stages of life from a baby to a kid to an adult to an elderly, during all these stages we go through several changes emotionally, mentally and physically. When talking about physical changes we go from learning to perform tasks to a stage where we are not able to perform many activities. Being an elderly is the last of all stages where our body becomes physically weak. Moreover, our organs and senses become weaker with age. When we are younger our hormones help us to have a sex drive as we grow older our hormone levels decline which further leads to lower levels of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. Moreover, the medications we might have to take for other health problems also start affecting our sexual drives during the later age.